Santa….Yes or No

Possibly the most important question in the world!!!!!

Is Santa real?????????????????????????? Yes or No.

It’s your job to convince us. You need to write a minimum of one quality paragraph explaining why Santa Claus is real (or not). You can’t choose both. It’s important for you to include reasons, facts, details, and examples in your written project. It’s also important you revise and proofread to make this piece the best it can be. Your writing has the power to convince others!!!

12 thoughts on “Santa….Yes or No

  1. I believe in Santa Claus. One reason why I believe in Santa is because who is gonna eat those cookies that late besides santa when he’s delivering presents he might get hungry. Another reason why Santa is real is because I know my parents can set an alarm clock up but come on now me and my family can not wake up that easily (no offense mom and dad but its facts.) Another reason why santa is really real is because when I get presents from my family I usually know but he brings the gift how quickly and in one night witch I think nobody can bring at least 2 or more presents in one night and master his way to spell his name properly on the place where it says from santa. That concludes my reasoning why I believe in Santa Clause.

  2. I believe that Santa is real for some reasons. My first reason has something to do with what is always above us… The Roof! I always hear something on the roof only on Christmas eve. This has always stood out to me in different ways, because another one of my reasons has nothing to do with the roof, it has something to do with presents. On Christmas day my stocking is always full to capacity, and this goes along for under the tree too. It has always been amazing to me that there are so many things under the tree and how Santa got them there! Although some people don’t believe in him, I do and nothing that can change that for me. 🙂

  3. Peyton.M_I think Santa is real because everywhere you go in the world people believe in him even though he is called something different or rides something different he always is the same. If you went to Japan, Philadelphia, Turkey, England, Britain, Germany, The Netherlands, and many many more places you would see and hear that people believe in Santa everywhere. Plus who eats and drinks whatever you put out for Santa besides Santa? Who puts presents under the tree in the middle of the night but Santa? Questions like those always have the same answer that is Santa and that is some proof that Santa is real. Also how would people all over the world know what Santa looks like when there was no internet, cell phones, and computers unless they have seen him?

  4. Addie

    Yes I think Santa is real because he gives us gifts and he leaves them at the tree. Santa also has an elf that comes to your home to see if you have been good or bad. Santa can see so he can put you on the good list or the bad list . Santa eats the cookie and milk and that is why you only see the stuff he did not eat. Another thing is that sometimes you can see the reindeer footprint in the snow also. One time he sent me a video because I did not get to see him. That is why Santa is real.

  5. Hi my name is Alexis and I think Santa Claus is not real because,even though I have heard many stories and took pictures.I have never seen him and I believe that if I see it then it is real.Now I know that may sound silly but it is what I believe.I also believe Santa’s not real because I don’t think someone that big can fit through a tiny chimney don’t believe Santa is magic or real.

  6. I think Santa Claus is not real because when I was younger like most of us I thought the same thing,that Santa Claus was real until,right about last year. It was Christmas Eve (the night before Christmas),my parents and I set out some cookies and milk for him and went to bed. I was not able to sleep for some reason (I think I was excited because it was Christmas the next morning), so instead of staying I thought it would be a good idea to get some milk because that helped me sleep. I got up and got the milk but when I went to get the milk, there was my mom eating the cookies and drinking the milk.I started to cry because I found out that Santa Claus was not real. The next morning came around, my parents went to wake me up (my dad don’t know what went on last night, so I acted like nothing happened)when I got up I was excited to open all my gifts that “Santa Claus” left me, “he” left me some dolls that I was wanting and a bunch of other things. After we opened all the gifts my mom wanted to talk to me about the had happened last night and told me “even if you saw me eating the cookies and drinking the milk, that I should still believe in him, so I told her I would even though it was hard to since I saw her do what her did. That’s the story of me not believing in Santa Claus.

  7. Damian
    No, Santa Claus is not real.
    It is impossible to go around the world putting gifts in everyone’s houses in one night without help. There are far too many houses to put presents into for one night.
    Saint Nicholas is the one that’s real. He did indeed get around the world giving presents to those in need. But he did not work alone. Nicholas needed help. Those who were kind helped him provide gifts to the world; to bring hope to the world.
    Parents probably stayed up late, put presents under the tree, ate the cookies, and went to bed.
    Saint Nicholas inspired billions of people to do so.

  8. I think santa is real because he drinks all of the melk and I don’t think parents can drink all of a full cup of melk and santa can spy on the kids but parents don’t spy on kids because parents are just doing their job and the parents are seplin why would they spent all night piting all the presents under the tree but santa is poble is a wake at night so he can make sure if your a sleep at Christmas night so he can pit all of the presents under the tree while your asleep at night because he won’t come to your home give you presents if your not a sleep

  9. Is Santa real? This might be the most sawed after question of my time. There is a lot of evidence for each side. like that how do you get around the world so fast. and most parents don’t think so. and how has nobody seen him ever. and what about the elf on the shelf ? How do you get it? I have seen them in stores. and sometimes they don’t move and sometimes I have never written a letter and he still got me what I wanted. and how has nothing happened so that we could see and saint nick is Santa Claus but why is not marked as the oldest person alive. and if he is real then that means if your christen you are right about god. but Santa follows the same rules as god that it is about believing not seeing. but why are Santa Claus in the mall and one comes to are house every year. but that on Christmas eve night so how does he make it to all the houses and stop for a hour at mine. why does he only come to mine and not other kids Santa Claus have never been seen by a military radar in history. And if some kids don’t give him a Christmas letter and still got what they want. And i have never heard of any of my friends don’t ever get on the nuathy list but always on the good list. how did elves come to life. And have not been found ever. what about astronauts do they get Christmas if there in space. And how do we know the reindeer’s name if we have never met him or seen him. And how is the sla so advanced far more then humans are. And every movie shows him with a news paper how does he get a news paper in the north pole of what happens here. So no I do not think Santa Claus is real.

  10. I think santa clause is not real because when I was little I thought santa clause was real but in till i notice that when I try to go to sleep I can’t because I always heard my parent like raping thing and one day I was mad because i was hearing that ever single night before christmas and I went to the room their were in and I saw them raping present .I was I surprise because all of the night when my mom ans dad give me good night sleep they tell me that ‘’santa is going to bring presents in till christmas and I was happy’’. But now that I know that santa is not real it got me sad but i’m still grateful for all of the gifts they give me and tried to get them for me I still love them the same it is just because that day they made me sad but it was okay because they still treated me as a little kid and telled me to keeped my dream .That is why I say that santa is not real but when was young I thought he was real .

  11. Yes, I do believe Santa is real. If he wasn’t then how would you get presents? Well you might
    Be thinking that the parents are doing it but how if stores are closed but you also may think that
    They bought the gifts before Christmas I don’t really think so. Because the cookies and because
    Some of the presents are really expensive like last Christmas I got a Nintendo switch and those are really expensive and my family doesn’t have that type of money and two Christmases ago
    I got a computer you got to believe Santa is real he is and a lot of people believe in Santa and You should to.

  12. I think that santa is fake because there has not real proof on the internet that has showed santa putting presents under trees and if he did he would try not to be seen by people and I saw videos of people seeing Santa but then that could also be edited into something that was actually from a movie so there would have to be real proof like on a live thing where’s Santa would be real because if it’s not live then there’s not really a lot of proof to prove Santa’s real or not

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