100 Word Challenge Week 10, November 12

This week our blog topic is a picture! Who knows what this picture will do to inspire your writing!!! Make sure you create your best piece. focus on your ideas and details, description, and order (content and ideas, organization, word choice, voice, sentence fluency, and conventions) This time for the Climate Change Challenge, we have a photo.

9 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge Week 10, November 12

  1. Zoe 100WC Week 10
    I live next to a huge factory producing a bunch of gas every day! It gets hard to breath once in a while, I really want to move but my mom and dad say it’s just a temporary home. One day when I was walking home from school the weather seemed a little too hot and smelled like something was burning. I just thought that it was the gas so I went on with my day. When I got to my house I saw the factory and it was burning down to bits with fire surrounding it! I never thought that day would end.

  2. Arienne 100WC Week 10
    I used to work in a big factory that made lots and lots of money. We made toys for kids one day I was working with all my friends there and all of sudden someone started screaming ¨ FIRE EVERYONE GET OUT!!!¨ I was getting so confused and so was everyone else then I saw all the smoke coming from the back room. We all zoomed out of the factory. We were all scared. I called 9-1-1. They came as fast as they could. I swear the last thing I saw was flames, I then decided to not work at a factory ever again.

  3. Addie 100wc

    One morning I got up. My Mom woke me up. She said we are going on a road trip. I asked where we were going. My Mom said just get in the car it was a surprise she said. We went on the highway. I saw a lot of smoke. I was sad because it was going to be up in the air and it would be everywhere known. I had to write in my nook book to get my thought out. I drew a picture of it and wrote what I thought about it. When we got there it was my friend’s home.

  4. Peyton.M 100 WC Week 10__There once was a nuclear energy factory and it was creating tons of pollution and nature was mad about how much pollution it was creating so nature sent tornadoes and earthquakes. But the nuclear energy factory avoided them. Then one day nature had an idea to send some beetles, spiders, turtles, and different types of lizards to get into the factory and destroy their pipes. But one of the snapping alligator turtles got sucked up into a pipe that led to the nuclear reactor and at the time the factory had a nuclear meltdown and it turned the snapping alligator turtle into a Giant and made Climate Change worse.

  5. Anaya 100WC Week10
    One day I was driving along a huge gas and oil industry and then, for some reason I really enjoyed looking and watching the gas coming up from the pipes. So I decided to stay until the sun goes down. But when I parked, out of nowhere the pipe exploded so I drove. The next day I got a call saying that there was a problem with the gas coming up from the pipes and said that they would “refund me”? . Basically my whole city was filled with gas in the air and it was really hard to breathe. The whole city had to evacuate for about one year.

  6. Alexis 100WC week 10
    I was going to Denver when I saw steam. I wondered if it was a fire. A few minutes later we were closer and I saw a factory. I wanted to get out of that car and run up to the people in the factory and say ‘Hey!This is not right stop.I hoped they would stop but they did not. I screamed louder and louder but it was no use. It was like they did not hear me.I knew they had to have some kind of boss.I could go talk to the boss yeah but that was a bad idea.

  7. Phuri 100wc week 10
    There was once a boy who always burned things and always made smoke everywhere, Polluted the air. He went to a factory one time and he saw it actually happened to the Earth because his mom wanted him to STOP!!!!!!!!But he never stopped. one day he worked at a factory that actually made smoke everywhere. It was not good but then 1 day The planet got really really smoke. So he stopped The factory and saved the Earth. Then his mom was so happy because his son helped the Earth not kill the Earth. Then whenever he saw a different factory he always left it alone never joined it.

  8. Damian 100 Word Challenge Week 10
    I was travelling along a trail today when I came upon a massive building site. Greek heroes and goddesses were depicted in marble monuments all around it. I could make out the outline of the colossal structure, as well as the ceiling’s massive, dazzling lights. I assumed they would need a significant amount of oil and power. After an hour of staring in awe at the stairwell columns, I resumed my stroll and came upon an even larger structure: a factory, with smoke billowing from the chimney, indicating that it must have been powering the lights.

  9. Logan 100wc week 10
    We have a problem. We are making the Earth hot and I’m not talking about the oven. I’m talking about our factory. There is so much we need to talk about. Stop soon, we are going to regret it. We need to stop using extra coal and stop being lazy. This is what I said on the stage in the McDonald’s Factory. You aced it McKayla, is what my friend said. I hope they got the message they leave the factory on and burns so much coal. They waste so much resource and heat up the Earth. This why we need to stop.

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