100 Word Challenge Week 13, December 3

This week our blog topic is a special climate change prompt. Our responses are part of a project from a university to see how kids feel about what is going on in the world (COOL!) Choose one of these questions to write about!

Make sure you create your best piece. focus on your ideas and details, description, and order (content and ideas, organization, word choice, voice, sentence fluency, and conventions)


This week on the Climate Change Challenge, the research team came up with the prompt…

What do you think will happen if the polar ice caps completely melt????????

21 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge Week 13, December 3

  1. I think what will happen when the ice caps melt is that the ocean will overflow . And people can’t live where the ocean is because the water that enters the building will be flooded. And sometimes when you have Windows in your house sometimes the water can break it . and the animals won’t be able to survive and the plants will die so as the people they won’t survive Either because they will drown just like the Animals. And the houses will have holes and cracks in it. and you can survive if you try not to drown. and the cars will float but if the water gets higher the cars will drown.

    1. Hello Maddy,
      Your ideas what of might happen if the ice caps melted shows you have been thinking. Well done.
      You have written some good sentences but try not to start sentences with “and”. It’s used to join sentences.
      Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
      Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  2. If the ice caps melt then the ocean will rise, because the ocean holds the ice up above the ocean level and It will flood a lot of land. If the ice caps did decide to melt then the ocean levels would rise, leaving houses flooded and leaving dead animals around the ocean. Then if it was flooded most of the world would be flooded and we would have to clean the ocean from lots of trash because our houses that have trash in the houses polluted the ocean leaving trash everywhere so that we have to pick it up. if you live by the ocean then you’ll probably get a note on your phone saying that the ocean is rising fast and you would probably evacuate the place going to like the center of the state. Most of the plants will probably turn into food for animals in the ocean.

  3. Zoe 100WC Week 13
    I live in Colorado and am going to California for a vacation!! I heard the ice caps have melted, I’m getting worried. Now off I headed, when there I saw water everywhere and everyone was calling for help! I had no clue what to do, and where to go! I honestly was just planning on staying in my hotel room. So that was where my family and I were headed next. Then when we got to our room, it was so humid, beds were drenched in water, and I couldn’t even go on the balcony because of a water hazard! This was a vacation gone wrong.

  4. Logan 100 wc week 13 The day the ice caps melted. The day started when i was looking for food when the ice fell.I was one of the few that survived. I swam as fast as I could. I was so lucky to be a killer whale.The other fish were not so fortunate. Me and some other killer whales live together. me and some of the other killer whales have noticed the sea rising. Most of the fish live near the surface so there’s less fish for us to eat. The water is a lot warmer that’s what I said before the second iceberg fell.

  5. Peyton M, 100 WC Week 13, 2021
    If all the Ice Caps melted then Antarctica and The Arctic would be Never be the Same and maybe they would just turn into islands instead of continents. But Something else would Happen. Scientists and Researchers have found whole entire Wooly Mammoths with skin and everything perfectly preserved in the ice. Creatures like The Megamouth and Giant/Colossal Squid used to be thought to be extinct but then The Earth’s Climate changed Dramatically. By the way those were just some out of hundreds of examples. So Why can’t there be some ancient life stuck in ice waiting to be Discovered or Freed from in the Ice caps?

    1. Hi Peyton,

      What a great perspective you have. We could certainly discover more about the earth’s past from such discoveries.

      Well done,
      Michelle, Team 100wc,
      Melbourne, Australia

  6. Katreen 100WC week 13

    If the ice caps melted then I think that the polar bears will not be able to stay hydrated and most of them will die! Another reason why I think they will die is because if they don’t get hydrated then the other animals also won’t get hydrated and then no one will have food to eat, so if none of them don’t have water, then again they will die, the last reason why we need is Ice caps id that humans need water, and that’s what I think will happen if we didn’t have Ice caps.

  7. Arienne 100 wc week 13
    What do I think will happen if the polar ice caps completely melt? Well I think that all the animals that live in Antarctica or the North and South Pole will all drown because all of the animals that live there live on ice. If all the ice covering Antarctica , Greenland, and in mountain glaciers around the world were to melt, sea level would rise about 70 meters (230 feet). The ocean would cover all the coastal cities. And land area would shrink significantly. But many cities, such as Denver, would survive. So this is what I think would happen if the ice caps melted.

    1. Hello Arienne,
      I can see you have thought about the issue of melting ice caps and the effects it would have on animals through the loss of ice and rising sea levels. You even considered the effects of rising sea levels on humans. Well done.
      Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
      Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  8. Damian 100 word Challenge Week 13
    I was strolling through the woods to get to my home today. I had my meal when I arrived, which was a spaghetti dish. I plopped down on the sofa to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild on my Nintendo Switch. When my mother entered the room and switched on the television, she urged me to turn off the switch since I had just completed all of the shrine challenges and prayed to the goddess. The reporter reported that the ice caps had melted while watching the program! The water level had increased, and every coastal city had been swamped!

  9. Anaya 100WC Week 13
    If the ice caps were to melt I think that many of the animals would probably not survive because they’re so used to the cold, meaning that they would not live for much longer after the ice caps melting. Also the temperature will not be as cold as the animals are used to, instead it may be warm after the ice melts. Some people that live there could maybe have to move, which sometimes is not always good, being that the people living there, in the first place obviously moved because they liked it or just wanted to move.

  10. Addie 100wc week 13

    I got up. I got texts on my iPad. It said if ice caps melted What would happen to the world. Those texts got me thinking . I saw him at my school before and spoke with him. His name was Ruby. so I thought about my answer for a little bit. When I wrote it down it said if we were looking around we would not be able to walk on it very carefully if they had melted. The animals would try to find food and the one who couldn’t swim would be hungry. I sent it to him. He said that was cool.

  11. Alexis 100wc week 13
    Emerald and James are brother and sister.They lived in Antarctica they went sledding that beautiful saturday morning with the polar bears.They sled all the way to the ocean even though their mom said “Don’t you go out to the ocean it’s dangerous we don’t know what could be lurking around”.When they were down there they noticed that all the ice caps had melted and that the polar bears home had been destroyed

  12. George 100WC Week 13
    It will cause all the outer states of the world to flood and then people will drown. But it could have advantages like it can become a swimming pool and we can filter the water to stop the lack of water.But it could have disadvantages like it can cause people homes to flood and get destroyed. SO then the inner states like Colorado to get overpopulated then it will cause global warming to get worse. And then maybe the inner states to get flooded. And then it will happen all over the world and that´s bad

  13. My 100 word challenge

    I think that if the ice caps melted then some might fall in the ocean or sea and then can fall on other animals like orcas, whales and penguins and could cause them to get hurt or worse die and can become extinct then it might take years after that to make that animal then the ice caps could still be melting so then it will not be safe for animals to go away from where it is safe for them to bo out in the ocean or the sea and could cause extinction

  14. Jacob 100wc 12/3/21

    I think if the ice caps melted that all the animals would die because they can not stay in hot weather they would have to go to the zoo so then they can live and be a bill to walk on land because there would be water everywhere and we would have no arctic place not the north pole and south pole.

  15. Phuri 100 wc week 13
    So I went to the north Pole. I Saw an ice cap melt .I asked myself what if the ice caps melted? then I finger it out and I said there would Be Barely any land on the North Pole and no homes for the animal’s.then I asked a sintis there “how do ice caps melt?”he said “the sun.”then I said “okay.”then I looked at the sun and said “why are you so bright?”Then I went home. I asked myself, “Why am I not a sitest?” then I said to myself “I will be soon!”

  16. Elijah 100WC Week 13
    This is what will happen if the icecaps melted sea levels would rise causing a massive flood
    To happen but that’s not all a giant tsunami would come and destroy everything. but there’s a way that we can prevent that one way is that you can stop using too much electricity like symply just turning off all the lights before you go to bed another way is to unplug extra outlets
    To stop them from melting. But why are they melting you are maybe asking, well you see when you use extra electricity power plants have to use more energy.

  17. Brenda 100WC Week 13
    I think that if the ice caps melted the animale will get because The water can get warm and all of the animals that live there or go there will not have the same temperature that they need and they can get really sick only because of the water temperature changs that is so crazy if that would happen because we don’t want to lost are animals that are in the polar ice caps .That will lead us down into sadness and that is not good us of the animals that died .The end thanks for reading my story that I wrote of ‘’what will happen if the ice caps had malted .

  18. Gracie 100WC Week13
    I got a new tv to which the news to see what was happening to the world .I got a warning on my TV that something was going on.I got so scared and wanted to tell my mom and dad that the ice caps were melting… but I was afraid they will get so scared to but i told them and they got so so so scared so we go to go underground it was the last thing because I fell asleep for the whole entire night the next day I did not know what happened to me and I was in my room and not the same clothing I was confused.

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